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The Matty Ryan Scholarship Fund

In Loving Memory of Matt Ryan: 11/26/1989-11/5/2022

Gone too soon, yet forever in our hearts – Matt Ryan, a remarkable individual whose light shone brightly through his creativity, humor, and zest for life. We invite you to join us in celebrating Matt’s legacy by contributing to the Matty Ryan Scholarship Fund. This fund stands as a tribute to his memory, his passions, and his unyielding spirit.

About Matt Ryan

Matt was more than just a friend; he was a source of laughter, a beacon of creativity, and a testament to the beauty of individuality. With a heart full of kindness and a mind bursting with ideas, he effortlessly brought joy to those around him. Whether he was perfecting his latest culinary creation, gliding through the streets on his skateboard, or losing himself in the rhythms of his favorite songs, Matt’s presence was a gift that enriched lives.

recovery scholarship

Our Mission

Through The Matty Ryan Scholarship Fund, we aim to inspire change by extending comprehensive financial aid to individuals battling mental health and substance use disorders. Just as Matt’s creativity knew no bounds, we believe that every person possesses untapped potential. We firmly believe that everyone deserves access to the support they need to embark on their journey to recovery and we aspire to empower others to rediscover their passions, talents, and dreams.

Scholarships for Supportive Services

We offer recovery scholarships to individuals seeking vital supportive services, including:

Sober Living Housing Support

Transitional periods can be challenging for those recovering from substance use. Our scholarships provide individuals with the means to access safe and supportive sober living environments, fostering a stable foundation for long-term recovery.

Treatment Services

Effective treatment is essential for a successful recovery journey. Our scholarships cover access to evidence-based treatment services, ensuring that financial barriers do not hinder the path to healing.

Peer Support Services

With our scholarships, individuals can access peer support services, connecting with others who have traveled similar paths, offering hope, understanding, and camaraderie.

How to Apply for The Matty Ryan Scholarship Fund


To be eligible for The Matty Ryan Scholarship Fund, applicants must meet the following requirements:

You must be working with a substance use disorder treatment professional who can provide guidance and support throughout your recovery journey.

You must have a signed referral letter from a treatment professional, affirming your dedication and commitment to recovery.

You must be willing to go door-to-door from your current program to a recovery residence, as a symbol of your readiness to embrace a new chapter in your life.

You must be willing and able to gain employment within 15 days of your intake with a recovery residence, demonstrating your determination to create positive change.

You must be willing to commit to a minimum of 90 days in a recovery residence, recognizing the significance of a structured environment in your recovery process.

You must be willing to commit to weekly meetings with an All the Way Well Recovery Coach, ensuring ongoing support and guidance in your journey towards wellness.

How to Apply

Please note that all personal information provided will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and respect.

Complete the application form with accurate and honest information. We value your story and your dedication to overcoming the obstacles you face.

Share your journey with us. Let us know how the scholarship would positively impact your life and support you on your path to wellness.

Submit your completed application. We review applications with care and consideration, ensuring every applicant receives a fair and impartial evaluation.

We encourage you to apply and take advantage of the opportunities that our scholarships for supportive services can provide. You deserve the chance to heal and thrive, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

If you have any questions or need further assistance with the application process, please don’t hesitate to contact our team at